How can I give back to my community?


Retirement is an exciting step. It’s an opportunity to explore new things and engage with people and communities that you might not have had the time to before. For many, this period in their life brings with it a strong feeling that now is the time to focus on what they can do to give back. If this sounds like you, you might also be wondering where to start. Fortunately for you, we’ve seen many of our residents find their own ways to give back to the community around them. 

Sometimes the opportunity to make a difference presents itself without the need to search, sometimes it is the desire to help that reaches you first. In this later case, one of the more productive questions you can ask yourself is whether or not you want to help by using what you know, or by trying something new. 

Both have their place, and it will help you find some direction if you can nail down which of these options speaks more wholly to you. Read on here to find out more.

Using what you know

Perhaps one of the most rewarding ways to make a difference in your community is to use skills and knowledge you already have in a new way. This might take the form of sharing your expertise on a topic and teaching. It could even take the form of filling a need for an individual or group that could benefit from what you know.

There is plenty of room for creativity here, and the shape this takes on can be as unique as you yourself! Consider perhaps that your local Men’s Shed would likely have a number of people wanting the guidance of a retired mechanic or engineer. Or someone who speaks a second language could step in to help those who speak little English handle things like enrolling their kids in school or paying bills.

Take a real look at what you know. It doesn’t have to be something big for others to take a great benefit. Something as simple as a chess lesson from a seasoned player can make all the difference when it comes to making a connection and growing as a person.

Trying something new

Retirement is about new beginnings. Embarking on a new project is a great way to mark that. Diving into a new hobby, a new community, or learning and sharing that journey with others are all great ways of giving back to your community.

Staying open to trying new things is also going to give you many more avenues to contribute to your community, and it’s going to be a great way of gaining a new avenue of personal development for yourself. Trying something new is a great way to stretch the mind while giving back. Your local community will have plenty of opportunities there for those ready to dive in.

Find your community with The Village

The gift of giving really is the greatest gift of all. The Village is an organisation that binds together communities across Brisbane and Toowoomba – populated by those with a desire to live among like-minded people, while also retaining the freedom to live their lives on their own terms.

To find out more about life in our retirement communities, reach out today. You can make contact by leaving an enquiry here

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